Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My son is a radio star!

My oldest son Logan is going to be on the radio! How exciting is that!

He is in grade 5 (aged 10) and he wrote a radio ad about Anti-Violence. His ad was chosen and yesterday we headed to the local radio station for him to record his ad. It will be played 6 times throughout the month of November and we are so proud of him!

He was a tad nervous at the start but he was very proud of himself at the end of it. Not nearly as proud as we are though!
His ad reads:

Humility, kindness, respect, honesty, bravery, responsibility and wisdom.
These are the New Prospect School Character Traits or the Keys to Anti-Violence.
If you treat everyone with Kindness and Respect as well as live your life Honestly, your life will not be a violent one. You must also remember that is your Responsibility to be Brave and it is Wise to be Humble.
Just remember those very simple rules and you will not live a violent life.
By Logan Waller.

Wonderful Winnipeg Weekend

Well on the weekend of the 12th, I went to Winnipeg for Crop for Kids. What an amazing weekend!

I got to spend some time with my sister Cheryl (2nd photo)which was a hoot.

And I got to meet some of the most amazing people.

I finally met IRL some of my scrapping girls from Lovebug! I met Kathy Murray (top left), Rachel Roberts (3rd from left), Shannon Patterson, Lisa Betke and even a scrap guy Bryan P. I got to spend some time with scrappers I already knew too, like "George" aka Kathy George (3rd photo), my bud from Sioux Lookout

They are great folks and I am so happy to have met them.

I also got to have breakfast and do some scrap shopping with the amazing Leah Fung and her friend, another amazing woman Aubrey Harns. (top photo Leah 2nd from right, Aubrey far right)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Bad, Bad Blogger

I am so bad at this, I forget to blog and then when I think of it, it takes me forever to remind my sign in info, what a loser, huh?
Well, so much has gone on since July, I won't bore you all with it.
I am on my way to take my boy Evan to the dentist and then I promise I will come back and post some of the highlights of the last little bit.
I met some amazing women in October and my oldest son Logan made me so proud again.
Oh my, lots to say...show of hands...who is surprised?