Thursday, May 15, 2008

I'll admit it..right here...I'm not afraid to say it...

I am not perfect, I am not a super mom, but I'm a damned good mom.
I read a lot of blogs and sometimes it just annoys me. Why can't people
admit they aren't perfect? Why do they always paint these rosy pictures
that their lives and families are absolutely ideal? Let's get real folks, everyone has a bad day, everyone has something that isn't going exactly right, don't they?
I'm not a Dr Phil fan, I find him to be condescending and just plain annoying, but I caught a bit of his show late last night on the dish and wanted to reach out and smack both him and his wife. I've always admired his wife, she seems so together and real (isn't that his catch phrase "get real"), well maybe they should
Phil's wife Robin said that never once in the entire lives of their children did she ever raise her voice to them, NOT EVER!!!!!!!!!! Anyone buying that? I sure as heck am not. There is no way in heck they raised 2 boys to adulthood without at least once in their lives yelling...bah humbug......

Boy, I am really on a tangent today, huh?
Moving on, be back later with something more interesting and relevant to say...just needed to get that off my I think I'll go yell at my children LOL (just kidding, even me with all my faults don't yell at the kids when they don't deserve it **wink**)

Oh and to prove that my kids love me with all my faults, here's a few pages of the "My Mother" book my 6 year old son Evan made for me. Also in the bottom photo is a gorgeous wooden tulip that my 5 year old daughter Carly made for me. SO THERE DR PHIL AND ROBIN


Twig's Corner said...

Well, I have to admit that I agree with you. I know there is no way. I raised 2 boys, too. And I had to raise my voice to them several times. So, if there is a perfect family out there, I would love to meet them in person.

And, Hi Cathy. Miss ya girl

**kirsten** said...

Well...I know you weren't reading MY blog and thinking 'here's one of THOSE perfect parents' Stay tuned for a rambling post of about a 14yr old boy and hygiene that I'm working on. I'm guaranteed to raise my voice and threaten pychological harm by removing all forms of electronic entertainment from his life for eternity! LOL

And while you's a blog you MUST read - although I warn you, it's addictive and if you go back and read the archives I suggest you have a box tissues near by - for the tears that will flow from laughing so hard...and for wiping off your monitor when you spew coffee on it. It's seriously good humour - and I just have a feeling you will relate to many of this mothers stories in the same way I do.
