Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom, I Love You

Today would have been Mom's 75th birthday, hard to imagine. This is a photo taken of her about 5 months before she passed away. She hated having her photo taken but Christmas of 1991 she had me take this picture of her "all dolled up" and she gave it to us all in a frame for Christmas that year. A strange coincidence? I don't know, I'm just saying.

Although she has been gone 15 years now, I still feel her here with me almost daily. And how truly blessed I feel that I do. I did a layout about the many times that I have heard her speak to me and felt her with me, I will try to scan it and share it with you all.
Mom passed away of course long before any of my children were born, but you wouldn't know it to talk to them. All 3 of my kids can tell you stories about Grandma Ellen and you would swear they had been there listening to her tell them. I love that. It's one of the things I am proud of, that I have given my kids a sense of who their grandmother was even though they didn't get to meet her (yet).

In the meantime, this morning Carly just cracked me up. She was snuggled up on the couch beside me as always and I told her that it was Grandma Ellen's birthday. So she looked up in the sky and began to sing Happy Birthday to her. It was so funny and so cute. She did it all day though, so by about noon it wasn't quite so funny anymore LOL

Not much else to babble about right now, be back tomorrow (atleast I will try)

Have a great evening everyone, blessings to you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sad Day and Happy Memories

Received the sad news last night that my uncle Jim Carter passed away. I am trying hard to focus on the positive in that he is not suffering anymore, but it's hard to hold onto that.

My Uncle Jim was a real card. He and I had an odd way of communicating, I called him "crotchety, cranky old man" and he called me "cheeky bossy little girl". We teased each other unmercilessly but always in fun and we both knew that we loved each other.

Uncle Jim always made me laugh, and many of my best childhood memories took place at his camp near Thunder Bay at One Island Lake. He and Aunt Bev always made sure a good time was had by all and everyone was welcome.

One of the funniest things was when he had us walk the trails by camp and told us that he had seen Snow White and the Seven Dwarves up there earlier. As I walked the path with Megan and Tim (then I think only 3 and 5), he snuck up behind us and starting whistling the "Whistle While You Work" song. Meg and Tim were so excited, they ran all the way back to camp to tell Uncle Jim. Meanwhile poor Uncle Jim had to hustle back to his lawn chair and look non-chalant so they wouldn't catch on. It was so funny and the kids didn't even notice how red in the face and out of breath he was LOL

When I grew up and had my kids, they still loved going to camp or to Uncle Jim's house. They knew that all those cool old toys, ice cream and yummy persians would be brought out. They also knew that Uncle Jim and I would natter at each. Me telling him to quit giving my kids so much junk food, and him telling me not to be so mean to my kids.

He was an amazing man and he will not be forgotten by me.

I love you Uncle Jim, rest in peace you crotchety, cranky old man. ((HUGS))

Thursday, November 8, 2007

We can learn alot from Crayons

I saw this quote on Stacy Julian's blog this morning and I just have to share it here. I don't want to forget this one! How true is this!

"We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty,some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box."
Robert Fulghum (b. 1937)author, pastor

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My nephew Tim...my angel!

I have to share with you all about my amazing nephew Tim. Tim will be 18 in December and he is just the best kid around. So sweet and thoughtful and I love him to pieces.
Yesterday he came over to bring me some birthday gifts he had brought for me. I am not a cryer by nature, but he bought me to tears, happy tears.
He brought me an adorable charm for my Italian charm bracelet, it is a slice of pizza. Tim works at Pizza Hut and has for a few years, he has worked his way up from busboy to shift supervisor and I am so proud of him.
But he also brought me something else, an angel. Now you who know me, know that I collect angels and am a fanatic for them. This one is even more special, it plays the song "Wind Beneath My Wings" when you open the box. If you have never heard the song, you can see and hear it here.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTXRzolPzFo
Now I have always loved this song, but it has special meaning to our family now. When we lost our sister Judy on June 29,2003, she had chosen this song to be played at her memorial and she dedicated it to her oldest son Scott. The fact that Tim bought me this beautiful angel and it plays this beautiful song just touched me beyond words.
I love you Tim, don't ever change, don't ever stop being the sensitive caring man that you are. ((HUGS))
Here is my Tim snuggled up with my daughter Carly at her birthday party and also a not too great shot of this most amazing gift.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Happy Birthday to....


A few of my "friends" dared me to post on my blog and announce to you all (the 5 or 6 who actually read this LOL) that today is my 40th birthday!

I'm not sure why that fact doesn't bother me, guess it's just a number after all.

Off to take the kids to school and Logan to the eye doctor and I will come back later with some utter nonsense to tell you all I am sure.

Catch ya on the flipside everyone

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Harry Potter fans are you ready?

I know I promised it yesterday, but you know how it goes, life gets in they way LOL

Anyway, here is what would happen if Hagrid and Hermione had children.
Be back later with some more ramblings I am sure.
Have a fantabulous day everyone!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Good morning everyone! Just a quick post to let you all know I am addicted to something for the next 9 days and you might not see me.
If I knew how to add a link I would, but you know how it goes.
Scrap-a-Faire has begun, an online trade show for scrapbooking basically and I can't stay away from it. Classes, shopping, chat, demos, prizes, what more could a girl want, right? Try this link, hopefully it works LOL http://presentations.inxpo.com/Shows/Scrapbooks/Website/home.htm

I am taking a few classes there and of course you know that I am taking both of Leah Fung's, love that girl, she is just as sweet in person as she appears online so you should rush to take her classes and be sure to check out her blog too! http://www.leahfung.typepad.com/

Friday November 9th - Saturday November 10th, we will be having an online crop at Lovebug, so please pop in and play with us, you know you want to! You can find the link to the forum on the right hand side of my blog.

Will come back later and post some funny pics from Hallowe'en again. Want a teaser? Harry Potter fans, have you ever wondered what would happen if Hagrid and Hermione had kids? Check back later and you will find out LOL

Have a wonderful day everyone!