Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sad Day and Happy Memories

Received the sad news last night that my uncle Jim Carter passed away. I am trying hard to focus on the positive in that he is not suffering anymore, but it's hard to hold onto that.

My Uncle Jim was a real card. He and I had an odd way of communicating, I called him "crotchety, cranky old man" and he called me "cheeky bossy little girl". We teased each other unmercilessly but always in fun and we both knew that we loved each other.

Uncle Jim always made me laugh, and many of my best childhood memories took place at his camp near Thunder Bay at One Island Lake. He and Aunt Bev always made sure a good time was had by all and everyone was welcome.

One of the funniest things was when he had us walk the trails by camp and told us that he had seen Snow White and the Seven Dwarves up there earlier. As I walked the path with Megan and Tim (then I think only 3 and 5), he snuck up behind us and starting whistling the "Whistle While You Work" song. Meg and Tim were so excited, they ran all the way back to camp to tell Uncle Jim. Meanwhile poor Uncle Jim had to hustle back to his lawn chair and look non-chalant so they wouldn't catch on. It was so funny and the kids didn't even notice how red in the face and out of breath he was LOL

When I grew up and had my kids, they still loved going to camp or to Uncle Jim's house. They knew that all those cool old toys, ice cream and yummy persians would be brought out. They also knew that Uncle Jim and I would natter at each. Me telling him to quit giving my kids so much junk food, and him telling me not to be so mean to my kids.

He was an amazing man and he will not be forgotten by me.

I love you Uncle Jim, rest in peace you crotchety, cranky old man. ((HUGS))


Megan said...

The snow white trail was my fav. that is all i have been thinking about. I remember he had those werther collection candies i think that is what they were called and when we went there once he hid them on the big rock and told us to come and see and that the dwarfs must have forgetten them when they left work

Aubrey Harns said...

Kat -
I'm glad you have such wonderful memories of your Uncle. What a treasure they are. What a blessing to have special loved ones that pass through our lives!

Anonymous said...

Girls, I too have very fond memories of Uncle Jim and Aunt Bev's camp. Although I haven't been there in years, the times (when I was younger)we went out there are still very vivid in my mind. There was always laughter and good times. I will miss him very much. Please give all my love to everyone.