Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Countdown to Freedom LOL

Tomorrow is my light at the end of the tunnel day, all 3 of the kiddos start school, full days and all 5 days woohoo!
Don't get me wrong, I adore my children and wouldn't trade them for anything, but this summer has had me feeling something like this...

Of course you realize that being the pathetic fool I am that I will be excited until approximately noon and then be bored out of my mind, right?
I have such a long list of things I want to accomplish now that school is starting up and we can get back on some sort of schedule.
First on the list is to get back to doing my Wii Fit again, no way was I going to let all of "me" wiggle and jiggle with the kids home to make fun of me, I will keep the jiggling to myself thank you very much LOL

To those who have been emailing about my surgery earlier in August, thanks so much. So far, so good, a cycle has passed and so far nothing so I have high hopes that the ablation is a success, won't really know much until a few cycles have passed though. But, the fact that I have gone over 3 weeks with no bleeding is a positive in my books (sorry if TMI, but since I don't think anyone but my loyal few read this, I feel free to elaborate) LOL

Anyhooooooooo, off to the library, I'll likely be back tomorrow to whine about my boredom and lack of drive to do anything on my "to do" list...

Have a good one everyone!!!!!!!

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